
so i’ve had this annoying cough for about a week now, and i’ve been doing everything i “should” be doing to make it go away…… all the stupid stuff this website tells you to do….. i’ve been getting rest, taking vitamin c, taking some dayquil, advil, drinking plenty of fluids (juice, tea, hot water with lemon and honey, naked juice), dressing warm, but i’m still sick.

So, since doing all the things i should be doing didn’t work, i’m going to just pretend i’m not sick.  not only will i pretend i’m not sick, i will do the opposite of what everyone tells you you need to do when you are sick.

today i will go on bike ride, drink pabst, smoke a cigar, stay out late, and not gargle with salt.  i will get back to you on my progress, blogosphere.  unless i’m too busy getting trashed.


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2 responses to “cold

  1. mandamin

    hey wendow. for future ref. when feeling beginnings of getting a cold use oscillococcinum. it’s a homeopathic remedy you can buy at CVS places.
    if you ahve a cough, make lotus root drink: grate and peel one inch lotus root, squeeze out liquid into small pan and heat gently with equal parts water, add a wee bit salt and a bit of ginger and sip slowly when heated. it works very well on coughs.
    but also, gin kills germs.

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