Category Archives: Lists

a night of mel gibsoning is required.

things that can motivate you to not kill yourself

  1. music
  2. books
  3. travel
  4. good friends
  5. food
  6. animals
  7. coloring/drawing/painting
  8. writing
  9. watching movies
  10. other people wanting you to be alive, so i guess you have to be friendly with other people. Continue reading


Filed under Lists, WTF

lists: reasons not to kill yourself

reasons not to kill yourself

  1. family
  2. friends
  3. pets
  4. may as well go on living not giving a fuck and having fun
  5. we will all die soon anyway

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Filed under Lists, WTF

lists: things i hate

  1. Work
  2. Humans
  3. Laziness
  4. Flakiness
  5. Liars
  6. Cheaters
  7. Fakes
  8. Bottom Feeders
  9. Long drives
  10. Los Angeles
  11. The Valley
  12. Orange County
  13. The Inland Empire
  14. Southern California
  15. Hot weather. Continue reading

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Filed under Lists, WTF

Splatter Patriotism All Over It

Splatter Patriotism all over a stripping performance, and an idiotic American Idol audience suddenly becomes receptive.  What a brainwashed, hypocritical country the USA is…Watch the videos.

Unhyped Stripping:

“Patriotic” Stripping:

Two vastly different responses…(Why do people even cover their eyes in the first video?  This country is built on Porn!)

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Filed under Gag, Lists