Category Archives: WTF

Google Voice Sucks

Hello, My name is status I was. Good Afternoon Sonya, we got the umbrella.

But if you could on the keys menu planning chemical okay See you soon.

And, again, it’s on the nothing was, If you’re going to get this has been putting in okay.

Hey man, cos one that the other thing, bye.

Okay, Google Voice.  Great job transcribing.  You suck.


Filed under WTF

Klaus Nomi

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Klaus Sperber (January 24, 1944 – August 6, 1983), better known as Klaus Nomi, was a German countertenor noted for his wide vocal range and an unusual, otherworldly stage persona.

Nomi was known for his bizarrely theatrical live performances, heavy make-up, unusual costumes, and a highly stylized signature hairdo which flaunted a receding hairline. His songs were equally unusual, ranging from synthesizer-laden interpretations of classical music opera to covers of 1960s pop standards like Chubby Checker‘s “The Twist” and Lou Christie‘s “Lightnin’ Strikes“. He is perhaps best remembered in the US as being one of David Bowie‘s backing singers during a 1979 performance on Saturday Night Live.[1]

Nomi was one of the first celebrities to contract AIDS. He died in 1983 at the age of 39 as a result of complications from the disease.

Sing this for the wicked witches you know.


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Filed under Music, WTF

Someone Hire This Man

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Filed under Gag, Music, WTF

a night of mel gibsoning is required.

things that can motivate you to not kill yourself

  1. music
  2. books
  3. travel
  4. good friends
  5. food
  6. animals
  7. coloring/drawing/painting
  8. writing
  9. watching movies
  10. other people wanting you to be alive, so i guess you have to be friendly with other people. Continue reading


Filed under Lists, WTF

lists: reasons not to kill yourself

reasons not to kill yourself

  1. family
  2. friends
  3. pets
  4. may as well go on living not giving a fuck and having fun
  5. we will all die soon anyway

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Filed under Lists, WTF

turd of hurdles

Need Moar.


Filed under Fashion, Gag, Music, WTF

lists: things i hate

  1. Work
  2. Humans
  3. Laziness
  4. Flakiness
  5. Liars
  6. Cheaters
  7. Fakes
  8. Bottom Feeders
  9. Long drives
  10. Los Angeles
  11. The Valley
  12. Orange County
  13. The Inland Empire
  14. Southern California
  15. Hot weather. Continue reading

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Filed under Lists, WTF


A bus stops and two Italian men get on. They sit down and engage in an animated conversation.
The lady sitting behind them ignores them at first, but her attention is galvanized when she hears one of the men say the following:

“Emma come first.
Den I come.
Den two asses come together.
I come once-a-more.
Two asses, they come together again.
I come again and pee twice.
Then I come one lasta time.”
“You foul-mouthed swine, ” retorted the lady indignantly. “In this country we don’t talk about our sex lives in public!”

“Hey, coola down lady,” said the man.
“Who talkin’ abouta sexa? I’m a justa tellin’ my frienda how to spella Mississippi.”


Filed under WTF

Slampig: The Girls You Pass Up, I Pick Up by Pile

I just vomited in my mouth a little, and maybe lost a bit of my soul.  Why?  Because I just finished reading, “Slampig: The Girls You Pass Up, I Pick Up” by an author that goes by the pseudonym Pile.

Although written amateurishly, a book about a twenty-something’s casual hook ups with the ugliest stragglers at the bar need not be written poetically.  “Slampig…” is a humorous coming of age story of sorts, for the common man…or if you still have faith in humanity, the man beneath the common man.  It is written with honesty but is not purposely obnoxious to deflect from or embellish the story.  I was thoroughly entertained by brutally honest descriptions of Nancy The Neatfreak’s box and various “FUPAs” (Female Upper P***y Area), as Pile refers to womens’ privates.  While chasing after the easiest prey at the bar may not be the holiest of acts, most of us are not innocent of making similarly poor decisions, or you are a liar/in denial.

Clocking in at 208 pages, this book is an easy read for non-readers.  I’m not a huge reader, but this is the only book I finished reading in its entirety, in months.

You can purchase “Slampig: The Girls You Pass Up, I Pick Up” by Pile on



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Filed under Fashion, Read, WTF

Unhappy Fourth.

Remember kids, “Independence” Day is an illusion.  A distraction.  We’re still in servitude to the monopolized corporations, large government, the banks and lending institutions.

I’m going to burn a flag and [can’t incriminate myself] today.

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Filed under Gag, Holidays, WTF